Breast Imaging at ImageCare Medical Imaging
You look for the best possible care for you and your loved ones. ImageCare performs breast screening and diagnostic studies. While we do screen for and diagnose cancer, ImageCare often sees patients with benign breast disease whose issues can be handled solely with imaging and don’t require cancer treatment.
ImageCare has two full-service breast imaging centers – The Breast Center Latham and The Breast Center Clifton Park. Screening mammography is also available in three other ImageCare locations at ImageCare Saratoga, ImageCare Balltown and ImageCare Guilderland.
The breast radiologists of ImageCare Medical Imaging offer the following services for breast disease:
• Screening studies for asymptomatic women and diagnostic studies for problem solving
• Digital mammography and tomosynthesis (3D mammography)
• Ultrasound-guided core biopsy and fine needle aspiration
• Stereotactic core needle biopsy
• MRI guided biopsy
• Breast MRI
• Ultrasound-guided cyst aspiration
Subspecialized Breast Radiologists
ImageCare has radiologists subspecialized in breast and women’s imaging which ensures your tests are reviewed by the most qualified professionals in the field. You’ll come to know our staff and trusted physicians throughout your visits with us, so you can feel confident you are in good, and familiar, hands.

At The Breast Center of ImageCare, you can expect excellence.
The Breast Centers of ImageCare in Latham and Clifton Park, NY are designated Centers of Excellence by the American College of Radiology (ACR). These are full service breast imaging centers that provide the latest in breast cancer screening and diagnosis. At the Latham and Clifton Park offices we offer the unique benefit of having your breast imaging services provided in one location without needing to travel to different offices for care.
We use the latest technology that saves lives, so you can feel confident knowing you are in good hands. The Breast Center also has certified breast patient navigators to assist patients through the screening and diagnosis steps of this breast care process. The Breast Center at ImageCare provides state-of-the-art technology paired with excellent patient care to serve women’s breast health needs.